by James Sidhu

Adding a service worker to a React Static and Netlify CMS website

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I've recently launched my new [portfolio]( using React Static with a blog powered by [Netlify CMS]( One of the first performance improvements is adding a service worker to improve the time of rendering and performance between navigating the pages. You won't find a service worker included in React Static because of edge cases, which requires customisations for different types of application, but it's a simple task to do when you draw from the concepts from universal and progressive web applications.

I’ve recently launched my new portfolio using React Static with a blog powered by Netlify CMS. One of the first performance improvements is adding a service worker to improve the time of rendering and performance between navigating the pages. You won’t find a service worker included in React Static because of edge cases, which requires customisations for different types of application, but it’s a simple task to do when you draw from the concepts from universal and progressive web applications.

The React Static library uses similar conventions to the Create React App and exposes a Webpack configuration object within the root static.config.js which is where will apply our service worker using the recommended [Progressive Web Application] ( setup.

In this guide, you’ll find out how to generate service workers with workbox-webpack-plugin. First of you need to install the plugin within your pack.

npm i workbox-webpack-plugin --save-dev

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